2005/07/05 | 俯 瞰
类别(凝结的印象) | 评论(0) | 阅读(65) | 发表于 22:45

Ivory Coast. Bouna region. Deep well in a village near Doropo.
Everywhere in Africa, as here near Doropo in the north of the Ivory Coast,collecting water is a role that generally falls on women. Deep wells equipped with manual pumps are gradually replacing traditional village wells, and canaries (large earthenware jars) and gourds are being supplanted by plastic,enamelware, or aluminum containers to transport the precious resource. Drawn from underground sources, the water in these wells presents fewer health risks than traditional wells, which hold water that is, in more than 70 percent of cases,unfit for consumption. At the opening of the third millennium, three-quarters of the world's population does not have running water and about 1.6 billion does not have water fit to drink. Illnesses due to unhealthy water supplies are the largest cause of infant mortality in the developing world.

